Had PAP After Having Severe Lower Back Pain. Cervix Appeared White In Colour. Are They Related?
It is impossible to make a diagnosis about a cervix based solely on how it looks in most cases. The area that appeared white might simply have an adherent discharge, in some cases related to a yeast infection, for example.
If there was something more significant going on, like a cancerous change or an infection of the cervix or uterus, then certainly this might be related to low back pain. But if you have had regular pap smears, this is very unlikely. That being said, I would not panic and pursue the following:
1. You need prompt followup of the results of the pap smear
2. Regardless of the pap smear results, you need a followup exam of the cervix, perhaps within a week. This is to see if the abnormality has changed, obtain cultures, and perhaps even perform a biopsy.
3. Ask about other causes of back pain - this could be anything from a pelvic infection to a bladder infection to a musculoskeletal problem
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First of all, cervical cancer does not look "white". So I do not want you to assume that this is what it is. There is also a chance that this represents changes that we sometimes see with HPV infection. These are sometimes referred to as "genital condyloma or warts". Such a lesion on the cervix might look like a white growth.
In any regard, I am guessing based on what you are telling me that this is unrelated to your back pain, but I am glad that you have gotten a thorough evaluation and biopsy.
Again, it has been a pleasure to help you. If you have more questions, please ask. If you are satisfied with my answer, please ACCEPT the answer and provide feedback. Good luck!