Had Diarrhea And Greenish Brown Thing Came Out Of Anus. Taking Antibiotic For Abscess And Thrush. Suggest?
It might be necessary to know if you have any past history of hemorroids or not. This is most probably hemorroidal disease. This is due to distension of the veins that drain the anal area. Diagnosis is simple with a physical examination by your physician. A past history of chronic constipation or some blood in stools in important. Cases of anal itches are reported in simple. This further supported by the fact that they came and in a abrupt manner and are change in size.
Consulting your primary physician for management could be very helpful. Treatment ranges form life style changes like drinking enough water, avoiding constipating foods, a vegetable and fruit XXXXXXX diet could be useful. Vasoconstrictors and proper diagnosis and management. Thanks and kind regards as I wish you good health.
Bain LE, MD.
give me somthing ton read on the subject
is this common do i have an bateria infection?
your answer to me was not clear
is there a web nsite i can go on to read up on these things?
I am afraid you might not need pictures nor a website in this case. The clinical picture you present is to me a clear picture of hemorroidal disease. Exclusion is very simple on clinical. Text book descriptions are there to guard to art of medicine and not to be entirely transcribed. It is nit impossible to have a bacterial infection, but the clinical scenario makes the probability very very low.
Abscesses, warts (HPV) infection do not fit this scenario though.
I am afraid you will need to be seen by a good health and kind regards.Feel free asking further questions in case you need more help.
Bain LE, M