Had Past Infection Of Semen With Enterococcus. Took Amoxicillin. Got E.coli With UTI. Reason Of Bad Odor?
Thanks for your query.
Based on the facts that you have posted it appears that you have chronic infection of the Prostate gland (Prostatitis) which is reflected in your semen analysis.
The odour that you have mentioned about may be due to odour of secretion by the infected prostate gland.
Consult qualified Urologist for clinical examination and Digital Rectal Examination as well, to confirm the diagnosis. He may advise you to get your Ultrasound scanning done to assess the size of the prostate.
Culture and sensitivity of the semen will be helpful to find out the organisms causing the infection and antibiotics to which they are sensitive to.
As your Serum PSA is within normal range you need not worry at all.
Continue taking antibiotic. Switch on to appropriate antibiotic as per culture report after getting the report .It takes long time for Chronic Prostatitis to recover so you may need to take antibiotics for 4 weeks.
Hope, I have answered your query.
Please feel free to ask if you have any more questions I shall be happy to help you.
Thanks with Regards.
Thanks for follow up.
If culture report shows sensitivity only to Amoxycillin, you have no option than to take it.
However if it shows sensitive to other antibiotic you may change it as per report.
It is not proved that it will not reach Prostate.
Take appropriate antibiotic and repeat culture after 4 weeks to check the results of antibiotics.
Let me know if you have other enquiries.