Had Protected Anal Sex. Having Two Small Ulcers. Suggest The Treatment?
Not at all any Sexually Transmitted Disease
Detailed Answer:
Welcome and thanks for posting your query to XXXXXXX
I can understand your concern and curiosity regarding the possibility of ulcers as Sexually Transmitted Disease.
After reading you r query thoroughly I can very well reassure you that your problem is not at all any type of Sexually Transmitted Disease.
To tell you medically-
The very first reason is that you you used protection at the time of anal sex. The condoms gives the best protection against all type of STDs.
Secondly the intercourse lasted for very very short time of 10 seconds which is insufficient for most of the Sexually Transmitted infections to get attached to the host.
Lastly any infectious agent including bacteria, virus or fungus or anything can never manifest itself after a period of 2 years in form of ulcer.
Now for the ulcer part kindly go to your family physician to get a proper course of antibiotic for early and best healing. Do not try to pinch, pop or scratch the area as it can lead to secondary infection.
Hope I have answered your query, if you have any further query I will be happy to help.
Wish you good health
with regards,
Dr. Sanjay Kumar Kanodia
(MD - Skin & Sexually Transmitted Diseases)
Your condition is simple aphthous ulcers
Detailed Answer:
Dear Sir,
Welcome to the forum again.
Mouth ulcers are a very common entity and are generally known as "Aphthous ulcer". There are so many reason for the same. If you have read about third stage of the disease then there must be primary or first stage followed by secondary stage too. You haven't had nay problem in last two years meaning no primary or secondary stage clinically for any disease including STDs.
So I opine you to kindly relax and rest assured about any serious issue. Your condition is totally simple and treatable condition without any sequel later. You will be totally alright in next few days.
Hope I have answered your query, if you have any further query I will be happy to help or if you do not have any further queries then can close the discussion and rate the answer.
Wish you good health
with regards,
Dr. Sanjay Kumar Kanodia
(MD - Skin & Sexually Transmitted Diseases)
Relax it just a normal blister
Detailed Answer:
Hello Sir,
Welcome to the forum again and sorry to reply you bit late.
You can totally be relaxed about your recent finding of blister. This also is not a part of any type of sexually transmitted infection. This is just a trivial finding that you are observing. As a doctor I want to reassure you fully that none of any unusual finding can now be correlated to any STD. I personally request you that you should not think in any direction related to STDs. Your blister will be totally fine in next couple of days. DO not try to rupture the blister. Do not eat anything spicy or hot.
So you can very well relax for the same.
Hope clears all the doubts.
with best health wishes,
Dr Sanjay Kumar Kanodia
Relax it is a normal feeling
Detailed Answer:
Dear Sir,
Medical science is so vast and so many symptoms are present in so different forms. So if you start searching for one symptoms you will find hundreds of the causes of the same which are not even have direct relation to that particular disease.
It is not unusual that you have bit of guilt because only those persons who have pure heart have the same feeling. Even if I would had been at your place then I also, might have had felt the same. The best part is you do not have anything which is even least related to STDs or similar to that. Though other persons and my opinion is same but there is difference in my opinion and of other persons – It is that I am giving you the opinion on the basis of scientific and medical facts and not for the sake of reassurance only.
Stop thinking of it; come out of the feeling of guilt as you already have suffered a lot from the stress of multiple of vague possibilities. The ulcers in mouth are also because of stress as the main contributing factor.
As your doctor I personally suggest you to stop your vague ideas about both the guys and stop following them.
with best health wishes,
Dr Sanjay