Had Protected Sex Other Than Husband. Now Pregnant. Who Will Be The Father?
Thanks for writing in to us.
I have gone through your query in detail.
As you have mentioned , you are 28 weeks right now.
The pregnancy is actually dated by the last menstrual period, but since you do not remember that, it is dated by the first ultrasound you had.
Luckily you had an early ultrasound in the first trimester itself, at 7 wk 5 days.
Based on that ultrasound, the conception would have occurred around 20th XXXXXXX and not by the episode you mentioned on 5th XXXXXXX
Also, as you are reasonably certain that no seminal fluid entered the vagina at that time, ,please be reassured.
By such tremendous guilt, panic and worry, you will be putting your health and the baby's health at risk.
Think positive, and enjoy the blessings of motherhood and pregnancy.
Your due date - 29th March, also tallies with this ultrasound and dating.
I could not make out from the query - have you already gone for a DNA test ?
If so, you will soon be reassured, because if you had conceived on 5th XXXXXXX the date would have been atleast 2 weeks early, that is around 12th March, not 29th March,
And on 15th august, the baby would have been around around 10 weeks 1 day.
So please do not worry and take care.
The baby is in all probabiliy, your husband's.
Feel free to ask for further clarifications.
All the best.
That is what I wrote earlier too, that you have conceived around XXXXXXX 22nd. So please do not worry. The ultrasound that was done on August 15th makes it very clear that the pregnancy could not have been around 5th XXXXXXX but definitely later, specially if you always had regular periods. Only if you had delayed cycles, that is, periods were late by 10 - 15 days, then a slight doubt arises.
But please do not worry. I am in agreement with your obstetrician.
The gold standard test is the DNA test, which you have already gone for, so do not worry, and relax.