Had Surgery Due To An Impact On Nut Sack. Noticed A Small Pea Sized Lump On The Right Side. Reason?
Thanks for your query.Based on the facts that you have posted it appears that you have been operated for injury to your scrotum few years back
Now you have noticed swelling on Rt side of scrotum close to the testis or epididymis.
Most probably this is likely to be a Spermatocele and is not related to your previous injury. If it is only on the skin, it could be folliculitis or another skin infection. This can be confirmed only on clinical examination and Ultrasound scanning of scrotum.
Please consult qualified Urologist for evaluation.
If it is increasing in size and embarrassing you due to pain you will need to get it excised,,
keeping in mind that there are chances of it recurring again.
Hope I have answered your query.
Please feel free to ask if you have any more questions I shall be happy to help you.
Thanks with Regards.
Thanks for follow up. It is nothing else but Spermatocele.
It does not need any treatment unless painful or increases in size.
Continue taking pain killer that you are taking now.
You can consult Urologist as you have planned after reaching your parent country..
Thanks and Regards.
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