Had Tinea Cruris Infection. Applied Anti-fungal Creams, Spreading And Has Become Hyperpigmented. Suggest Oral Medicine And Dosage?
I would like to start by saying that tinea cruris is a fungal infection of the groin and surrounding areas that is primarily treated with topical (ointments or creams) anti-fungal medication. But if you are not experiencing a response from the anti-fungal creams you are currently using the possible cause could be that the anti-fungal cream you are using might be ineffective (there are many options available; eg: butenafine, clotrimazole, miconazole, ketoconazole, econazole, naftifine, etc.) -- let me know which one you are currently on, and I shall advise you a better and more effective anti-fungal cream along with its dosage
Usually oral anti-fungal medication is not advised for tinea cruris, but if you wish to use oral anti-fungal medication then the ideal drugs are ketoconazole, itraconazole or fluconazole.
The hyperpigmentation usually subsides on its own a few days/weeks after the infection subsides. The application of a medication right now, would prove to be ineffective as the anti-fungal creams need to take effect as of now. If the hyperpigmentation does not subside, you can always write back to me at: ' WWW.WWWW.WW and I shall gladly help you with that as well.
I hope this helps.
Take care.
It seems as though the current medication is ineffective. As I would prefer treating a patient with tinea cruris, with only topical anti-fungals I would first advise replacing the current cream that you are using with either of the following:
-Lotrimin Ultra cream twice daily after bath for 2-4 weeks and then report to a doctor to check on response (contains butanfine)
-Lotrimin AF twice daily for two weeks and then report to a doctor to check on response
It has been observed thath tinea cruris responds only to topical anti-fungal creams and although I would not advise it, if you wish to go ahead with the oral anti-fungal medications, they are usually taken in the following dosages:
-Fluconazole 150 mg once daily for 4 weeks
-Itraconazole 200 mg twice daily for 4 weeks
-Ketoconazole two 200 mg tablets to be taken once daily for 5-7 days
Please inform your doctor and only then initiate this course, and report to the ER if you experience any symptoms of a hypersensitivity reaction.
Do take care and write back to me for any further clarifications, or you could rate my answers after closing this discussion. Wishing you a rapid recovery and a healthy life thereafter.
Take care.
In the future if you wish to contact me, just visit the below link and post me any queries, I shall be more than happy to help:
Unfortunately fungal infections take time to resolve, but you should experience an improvement in 7-10 days, and a further gradual resolution from there on.
Do take some time to rate my answers after closing this discussion.
Thank you and take care.
Best wishes.