Had Unprotected Sex. Having Headaches, Brownish Spotting And Feeling Fatigued. What Are The Risks?
I have had a few headaches, fatigue, brownish spotting then three days of a light period. I did a pregnancy test before the three days of the light period and it was negative although it would have been to early to tell If I do the math on the day of "unprotected sex" it would be this week I should test. I do not believe I am pregnant but what else could it be? I have also been feeling nauseous everyday. My breast are always tender so I can't really tell by that but they seemed to be more tender while I was spotting they are better now. Also before the period my urine smelled as though I was taking a diuretic (a metallic smell) I just had my hormones tested and they are out of the normal range so 4 days ago I was put on some meds to balance them again. Oh I was also having quite a bit of pain in my lower back and my right ovary. I used to have a liver condition but I was in mexico for treatment and they made a special vaccine out of my own blood to fix it since then I have had good blood tests. So what could this be??
Thanks for the query.
If you had unprotected intercourse around the time of ovulation then there is possibility of pregnancy.
In that case the bleeding you had could be implantation bleeding and the symptoms you are having could be because of early pregnancy.
But the points against to pregnancy are:
-These type of symptoms can also be seen around the time of periods.
-Hormonal imbalance can cause scanty flow during periods which is called hypomenorrhea. As you are having the history of hormonal irregularity that can be one cause for your scanty flow.
(Other causes that can lead to hypomenorrhea are anemia, thyroid disorders, poly cystic ovary disease etc.)
-Negative urine pregnancy test.
So you better go for blood test for pregnancy which will rule out the possibility of pregnancy.
In case of negative result possibly your symptoms will subside soon, if not better to go for ultrasound once which can find out the possible cause for your pain abdomen and other symptoms like pelvic inflammatory disease, poly cystic ovary disease etc.
Hope I have answered your query. I will be available to answer your follow up queries. If you are satisfied with all my answer, please rate the answer after closing the discussion.
Take care.