Hard Motion Even After Taking Senosoft Tablet. Now What Do We Do?
Thanks for posting your query.
Constipation in young children is most commonly due to faulty diet and toilet habits and inadequate intake of water.
I assume your pediatrician has ruled out any pathological causes and therefore diagnosed it as functional constipation. The treatment he has advised is appropriate. In addition you may try the following.
1. Avoid giving your child too many foods that have a binding effect. These include bananas, cooked carrots or squash, and large quantities of dairy products such as milk, cheese, yogurt, and ice cream. They can cause functional constipation so you should give them only in limited quantities (2_3) servings.
2. Increase your child's fiber intake. Give her plenty of whole wheat crackers, cereal, or bread, and fruits and vegetables such as prunes, apricots, plums, peas, beans, and broccoli.
3. To help keep your child’s stools soft, increase the amount of fluid she drinks. Water is your best choice, but a little juice or soups can also be given.
4. Increase your child’s activity, encourage her to play as activity increases blood supply to organs and improves digestion.
5. Encourage your child to use the potty as soon as she feels ready to poop. If she says she never feels ready, try having her spend five to 10 minutes on the toilet after breakfast and dinner. But don't force her to stay there if she doesn't want to, or she'll come to think of using the toilet as a punishment.
Hope I have answered your query.