Has Keloid On Chest, Increased In Size And Causes Pain. Cured From Neosprin Powder. Suggest Treatment?
Thanks for writing to health care magic.
Keloid is one of the tough condition for a dermatologist to treat.There is no definative treatment for keloid and recurrence is quite common.
Gold standard therapy is intralesional steroid injections .Freezing with liquid nitrogen before injections provide softness and will help in better penetration of injectables.Many dermatologists use liquid nitrogen therapy routinely.You can have a talk with your doctor about this if the injections etc that were tried do not contain these. Mixing 5 fluorouracil with steroid also produce good results, but it is somewhat painful. I do this as well. You can talk to your doctor about this.
Other treatment option include silicon containing gels.It has to be applied under occlusion.You will need a prescription for it. VANIZA gel is one such brand which I usually prescribe to my patients with keloid.
Immiqomod cream is another option having good results in keloid. It has to be applied at night time.
In any case do not go for surgery since there is always a chance for recurrence after surgery.
Considering your fathers age my personal suggestion is to go for silicone contaning creams and immiquimod cream on alternate day.
I hope this can solve your query.In case you have any concerns ,I will be happy to help you.
Thanks for your response and suggestions. I would like to know how to get a prescription for VANIZA as suggested by you. I am based out of Kolkata.
Or do you suggest me to try Immiqomod cream initially and see the results. If yes, does this also need a prescription and is this available in normal chemist shops.
Thanks and regards,
Thanks for follow up.
Both vaniza gel and immuiquad cream are used exclusively by dermatologist and they will not be available in normal chemist shops.You can look at chemist shops near hospitals or near a dermatologists clinic.You can discuss about this products to a dermatologist and request him for a prescription.
I still suggest you to use bot products simultaneously since this will give better results.
Hope this can solve your problem.Take care.