Have Hashimotos, Experiencing Severe Stingy Itching, Loss Of Balance, Light Headed, Joint Aches And Muscles Cramp. Suggest?
Are theses symptoms caused by worsening Hashimotos, hypothyroid or something else. I also take trazodone 100 mg at night for sleep. it can have similar side effects
I also have neuropathy the neurologist says it is from my hypothyroid.
I am at a loss as of what to do. XXXXXXX XXXXX
detailed below
Detailed Answer:
As you mentioned you have Hashimato's thyroiditis, in this the Thyroid fails to produce adequate thyroid hormone, that can cause whole range of symptoms as experienced by you.
Though Hypothyrodism also makes one vulnerable to experience hypercholesterolemia which in turn can raise propensity of atherosclerotic heart disease but the same can be ruled by your normal EKG & if necessary stress TMT test.
AS regards the rest of your problem all are caused by the Hashimato's disease so you should take replacement therapy after thorough lab tests that include the Thyroid function tests based on which the adequate replacement therapy can be prescribed by your treating physician.
You need not worry for this.
If you have any other concern please let me know I shall try to help you to address these concerns
with best wishes from
Dr Chowhan