Have PCOD, Had Late Menarche. When Can I Have Child?
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Delayed menarche i.e no menstruation by age of 15 years is a serious problem which needs thorough evaluation. As you mentioned your age as 31, exact possibility of you getting pregnant can be known by doing few blood tests like FSH (Follicle-stimulating hormone) hormone, which will tell about your OVARIAN RESERVE and needs correction for your PCOS (Polycystic ovary syndrome) problem as well.
If you are over-weight first you need to reduce your weight, then some drugs for ovulation induction, as your cycles might be ANOVULATORY, if oral tablets doesn't work you might need injections for the same.
I hope this information has been both informative and helpful for you. In case of any doubt, I will be available for follow-ups. If you like my answer kindly rate my answer and write a review as well.
Thank you,
Wish you good health.
Dr Arif
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