Have Abnormal Periods Like Spotting And Then Normal Flow. Had Abnormal Cells On Uterus And HPV Virus. Suggest?
I will start my answer by the most important thing in your message which is the fact that you have genital herpes.
There is nothing to worry about as long as you understand the rules of the game.
Presence of HPV infection makes you high risk for developing cervical cancer.
Cervical cancer will not appear suddenly. It passes by premalignant changes, a process which takes years.
The good thing is that there is a screening test which can detect these premalignant changes, and treating them in the right way will prevent the occurrence of cancer.
This test is easy to do without pain or need for anesthesia. It may be performed in the outpatient clinic.
This test should be done immediately, and will be repeated every one to three years according to the results.
This test is named Pap smear.
As for the menstrual irregularity, you should have an examination and a pelvic ultrasound at first to exclude organic causes.
So, I advise you not to be scared (there is nothing to be scared of), visit your doctor to evaluate the menstrual irregularity and to have a Pap smear.
I am interested to know the results of your doctor visit and Pap smear.
I hope I have answered your query and will be happy to answer more questions from you.
Good luck.
Dr. Ahmed Bahaa.
The initial screening test (Pap smear) is not painful at all. Based on the results the gynecologist may need to take a colposcopic guided biopsy (biopsy under magnification), which is not painful also (just a feeling of discomfort).
So please proceed to visit your doctor and do not hesitate.
Good luck.
Dr. Ahmed Bahaa.