Have Anxiety And Tension Headaches. X-ray, Ct Scan And Thyroid Test Normal. Brain Aneurysm?
i have been having headaches offa nd on for about two years in the back of my head. the headache feela like heat and pressure that hurts down in meck anf makes my ears hot and my head feel like its gonna pop. i have been to er several times and to my dr several times and have been diagnosed with anxiety and tension headaches. they have done blood work...neck xray.....thyroid panel....ct scan of head....and a physical exam. have no major symptoms such as double vision....blurry vision ...vomiting.. . pupil dialatio issues....or dropping eyelid or eye pain.....all test negative and no symptoms besides pressure and heat in neck and back of head. i told my dr i was worried about a tumor or unruputured anureysum and he said that i dnt have symptoms and that my ct was clear and no need to worry and that botrh eouldnt come and go for going on two years now. said i had a neck alignment issue due to a wreck years ago and tension headache....with the pressure coming and going.. heat.. and achy feeln at back of head. even with alllll the test negative and allllll the dr visits could they be wrong and i have a anureysum that could rupture or is this stress and anxiety? he told me anxiety or gad could cause my symptoms and that it isnt a anureysum.
Thank you for your query on Healthcare Magic.
First I advise you to stop worrying about an intracranial aneurysm as you been evaluated by CT Scan brain and this possibility has bee ruled out by the examination and investigations.
The other causes of headache due to raised intracranial pressure due to brain tumors is also ruled out by doing the CT Scan brain.
Therefore the possibility for your headache is due to tension or stress headache.
In stress or tension headache, the precipitating factor for headache is the anxiety.
Anxiety and stress may unconsciously produce constant isometric contraction of the temporalis, masseter or trapezius muscles, which leads to the characteristic dull, aching headache.
And simple acetaminophen conataining medication like Tylenol in prescribed dosage will relieve the pain.
And try to reduce the stress and anxiety by doing Yoga and meditation. And for anxiety you can take prescribed medication like alprazolam at bedtime.
Hope I have answered your query, if you have any clarification please let me know.
Thank you for getting back.
CT angiography or MRI brain with angiography is the best investigation to rule out berry aneurysm in the brain.
And here the headache will be severe, pulsatile, and throbbing, and usually associated with the signs and symptoms of raised intracranial pressure like projectile vomitings and papilledema on fundus examination of the eyes.
But some times ruling out of berry aneurysm by objective investigations like CT angio or MRI angio will decrease the anxiety associated with attributing the headache to aneurysm and will relieve the stress headache.
Therefore consult your Physician or a Neurophysician for detailed investigation to clarify your apprehension and anxiety associated with the aneurysm in the brain.
Hope I have answered your query, if you have any clarification please let me know.
Thank you for getting back.
My answer to your question is in this way:
The definitive investigation of angiography of intracranial blood vessels by a CT or MRI will accurately rules out the presence of the berry aneurysm and your anxiety as the evidence of normal report will always rules out the apprehension.
Hope I have answered your query, if your query, if you have any clarification please let me know.
If you don't have any doubt you can close the session and I request you to kindly rate my answer to improve myself and to advise in future in a better way.