Have Breathing Difficulty, Chest Pain And Feeling Dizziness. Worried For Cancer Or HIV

It was before 2.5 year when I was with a girl and after her mother learned that we made sex and she show some weird messages on her phone she went crazy and called and started crying and she said that she will tell to here father that I went with her and I was afraid. Every time my called rung I thought it was him.. and that made me anxious for a long period.
Then before 1.5-2 years I took a fight with someone and he hit me in the nose and it probable broke because the nose bone appears more from the one side.
After that I started have some pain in my chest and started being scared for some type of cancer there. The pain comes when I turn my body and head o the left and have my foot on the same position. I made 2-3 ct scans and I had nothing.
This pain still exists even now. I noticed that after that incident I wasn't able to breath normally. I made another ct for fixing a tooth of mine and they found that my diaphragm is very close from the one side. And we believe now that my chest pains come from the diaphragm because I do not breath normally.. That happened before 5-6 months. I will do an operation to fix it in the easter.
1. You believe that chest pain comes from abnormal diaphragm after the nose incident with the punch? Or whet else it can be?
2. Not the previous summer but the precedent I started having one more problem. I don't know if its with all this anxiety of the girl's family or the thought that started in my mind that I have something serious (after starting filling pain in the chest that happened sometime not immediately after the punch but may some months later..). The new problem was that one day I want to an atm to take cash. I putted the card in the machine but it had some maintenance problems. I thought that my card was token by the machine. I want to a bank to take a new one and then I released it was in my pocket. I don't really know I might took it from the machine unconsciously but that scared me more. And because until then we didn't new about the diaphragm and they gave me a prescription for the chest pain, showing that the pain was still there the anxiety didn't fade away because in my mind I still had the thought that something is happening. Therefore thinking also the incident that I forgot that I took the card from the atm scared me more. The same day (but I am not sure if it happened before or after realizing that I had taken the card and I forgot it) a palpitation feeling started happening in my head that I have until now the time I writing this but it's not continuously. This thing is one more thing in the list that scared me that I have a brain tumor-cancer. Deamn I don't like even thinking those things.
Therefore what's your thought about that? Is there any possibility to be something bad or it is anxiety? I feel it above the neck like my heart rate it's very annoying. Sometime I feel some pressure.
Also when I do a bath the palpitation stops or when I put something cold there stops it relaxes the place.. or sometime when I do massage on the base of my head stops but then my starts again and be even more noticeable.
3. One more thing after all that I don't remember when exactly started I find some times blood in the snots in the morning but I always remember blowing my nose very hard. From then almost every morning when I blow it I find some blood dried or sometimes fresh but not nose bleed just some spots and more often from the right nostril and even now when I blow it I may find.
4. One more thing that started scaring me is my mouth I had a problem with a tooth that emmited pus for some time ( 1 month maybe) and i removed it after all. I wasn't concerned about the tooth but what i saw after watching my mouth in the mirror. I starting looking in my mouth every day and you will check in the picture.
(red yellow black squares ) concerns me. I don't know what it is and I am afraid because it doesn't seem normal to me. I also have strange taste but this must be related to the tooth that i removed and it had abscess.
5. After that in my mouth that I started believing that is nothing (but even now when someone laughs I look in the mouth to see if they have those things in the mouth) I started having a strange habit to shallow my saliva very constantly and I thought that something going on with my throat. After a long period in the last months I feel a narrowness in my throat sometimes and also I eructate and sometimes a strange noise heard from the throat not the stomach and very low noise like saliva going down to the throat and a sound heard... or when i drink water..
6.In addition to head palpitation these are some others symptoms appeared the last months. when I turn my head in the left I here a click in my head the most of the times or i do it one-two times and then stops. Also when I turn my head left or right as much as it can go i feel a pain in the right side of the base of the head not inside my head in base and base of the neck but it feels like to be when i stretch my head to much left or right .
Also I feel sometimes some stings in the forehead a tick and then goes and I think that when that happens may you can see it when you are in front of the mirror but I haven't ever noticed if it is viewable....
Evenmore I feel more often in my right leg in the shank some lingering from a muscle or I don't know what but it feels like palpitation again but sometimes happens also in other places in a hand etc I don't know what's that.
7. This is important my short-memory is very bad the 6-7 months.. I put something somewhere and then I search it in a place that it was an other time, I do a bath I go to close the water heater then I do something else and then I try to remember if i closed it but I cannot and in the end is closed. or an information or a word in english when i try to learn vocabulary. generally my short-memory isn't in good condition.
I have to tone that i am a very good student now in college after all those things happening. But short memory and forgetting what I did or learned before a 1 minute frightens me that I have a brain tumor or something thinking palpitations and all the above.
8. When I was the dished i feel a dizziness.
9. I did sex one time with a girl but i didn't finished and after that I never had real sex with a girl. only masturbation etc and i am 21. before 2 years I was with many girls until then but never sex. and right now for a long time nothing and i don't know if this related with anything but it's anxious for me to not have done it yet normally.
10. I am athletic 1.75 very healthy diet body with abc and very strong. I think that right now i am 69-70.
at christmas when i went to my families home i was 65-66 but after 1 week i was again 69. I think that this because I am a college student and I don't eat fresh food but food that my family sends and I heat in the microwave from the refrigerator. therefore I may don't eat enough vitamins consuming those foods..
I never said those thing to anyone and may that depressed me and fucked me up. But I want to get my shit together and be healthy if none of this is something serious and just i am freakin paranoid. i am a very strong character and those are too much and i want to know if i am ok and all those are anxiety or what..
I am waiting for you to read carefully what I said and if you are real doctors I want to know the answers.
Thanks for writing.
I went through the details submitted. It is a very long post with multiple concerns. Let me try to address each of them.
1. I do not think your chest pain is related to deviated nasal septum or a problem with diaphragm. Where exactly do you get the chest pain? When do you have that chest pain? Is it associated with any other complaints like breathlessness etc.? Is there any relation to food?
I would be able to comment on your chest pain if you can explain the details of chest pain.
2. One odd incidence of forgetfulness does not suggest of brain tumor. The symptoms you have at the bank perhaps may have been triggered by anxiety. It doesn't suggest any serious organic medical problem.
3. Deviated nasal septum may be associated with bleeding from the nose. Surgery for the same helps.
4. The patches seen in the mouth may be related to minor salivary gland swelling or infective conditions like oral thrush. In the absence of other symptoms, these patches are not concerning and you need not be bothered. Please contact an oral pathologist/Dentist/ENT doctor if you notice increase in size of these spots or if you develop other symptoms.
5. Swallowing saliva constantly do not indicate serious concern too in the absence of other symptoms. Perhaps they may be related to those minor salivary gland swelling.
6. Clicking sound when one turns head may be a normal. It doesn't suggest any serious problem. I would suggest further investigations like X-ray if you develop other symptoms such as neck pain.
7. Memory loss in your case is more suggestive of anxiety related issue rather than brain tumor.
8. One odd episode of loss of weight you reported of could be because of various causes. But immediately you are showing normal records also. (This could be even because of a error in that machine) Request you to monitor your weight.
9. A person having recurrent palpitations, memory loss, constantly worrying of some ailments and worrying etc are suggestive of psychiatric illness. Perhaps you are extremely anxious. I normally suggest a psychiatric referral for patients presenting with such complaints after getting basic investigations like thyroid profile. You will definitely find good relief following a few session with a psychiatrist.
Mean while I suggest you to make some life style changes that could be of some help to you.
Have a positive attitude towards life. It is difficult in such tough scenarios to have a positive attitude. But have brave and fighting attitude. Say to yourself I will try and come out of all these.
Get busy with some thing (what ever you can do comfortably)
Do some exercises.....may be a walk
Relaxation exercises like Yoga, breathing exercise, listening to music, playing with children etc. would help
Pray God.
Look at the positive things in life.
Hope this helps.
Take care

4. What symptoms absence? With patches you mean the photo: IMG_0105? The white-black area in the square why it is like that? I do not thing that this is in everyone mouth.. that why it concerns me.
5. The narrowness that I feel sometimes? and the noise that comes after shallowing saliva or nothing?
9. Head palpitations is something normal for anxiety? it's strange.
also the lingering muscles and stings in the forehead a tick and then goes?
Thanks for writing to health care magic.
Pain around the sternum area cannot be because of your nasal septum problem. Problems like acid reflux from the stomach or angina etc can present like this. We normally investigate further to find out the exact cause.
You may have to consult oral pathologist or dentist or a ENT specialist for further evaluation of your oral cavity. Please consult a ENT specialist for the problem of noise coming while swallowing saliva. I do not think of anything serious with this.
Feeling of head palpitations etc. can be present in anxiety. Get your blood pressure and hemoglobin checked up.
Hope this helps.
Take care

1. The muscle lingering that I feel what it maybe?
2. Also you didn't answered me on the fourth?
. What symptoms absence? With patches you mean the photo: IMG_0105? The white-black area in the square why it is like that? I do not thing that this is in everyone mouth.. that why it concerns me. Is this normal or not? What your thoughts?
3)Sternum pain? I did X-rays what should I do now?
You believe that any of those that I have is serious or potential to become serious?
Thanks for writing to us
In a neuralgia you may get sharp pain in parts of the face. Regarding those patches i request you to consult a ENT surgeon.
Regarding the sternal pain, problems like acid reflux from the stomach or angina etc can present like this. We normally investigate further to find out the exact cause. A simple X XXXXXXX may not be the investigation of choice or the only investigation required. You may need an ECG or a trial of drugs like omeprazole ( available OTC as Tablet Prevacid which is to be taken 1 tablet one hour before breakfast)
I strongly request you to consult a psychiatrist who could address the anxiety issues (which are causing palpitations) after your basic review with a physician. No problem that you feel should be left unattended to.
hope this helps.
Take care

2.Also dizziness when I wash dishes?
3I send you here to help understand If all those symptoms maybe something serious? What's your evaluation?
By telling me to go to a physician seems like you are a little bit concerned.
Thanks for your reply.
I do not mean that you need to be concerned. The true nature of those spots can only be revealed through a biopsy. Oral pathologist can be able to pick up few of those tissues and study them under a microscope. This will reveal the exact nature - whether benign or sinister beyond doubts. Therefore I would want you to visit your doctor's office.
As far as dizziness is concerned, it may or may not be related to your other symptoms. In addition other conditions such as anemia may be contributing.
Take care

I am sorry but this is an online forum. I cannot refer to an oral care specialist. You may use the 'Ask a specialist' link and select oral care specialist. Then your query will be directed to him.
Hope this helps.
Take care

You may choose a Dentist / ENT specialist.
Take care

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