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Dr. Y V Siva Sankara Murty , M.B.B.S., M.D.
xxxxxxxxxxxx, Andhra Pradesh, India

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Contact Details
Andhra Pradesh

Professional Details
State Licence Number/NPI
State/Board registered with
Andhra Pradesh Medical Council
Years of experience
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Specific Skills and Interests

Education Details
Degree earned
Name of the university
Rangaraya Medical College  
Residency / Post graduation
Year of post-graduation
Degree earned
Command Hospital Air Force (CHAF) Bangalore, Karnataka 

Other Details
Presently working as Professor of Pediatrics.
I completed NALS and PALS courses.
Attended several work shops on Breast feeding, Prevention of parent to child transmission of HIV etc.
I have around 8 Publications to my name in various Indexed journals.
Several other publications are under various stages of review. 
Indian academy of pediatrics  
Other professional achievements
I made several presentations in public forums.
I have 13 Publications in my name.

1.Study of pattern of blood sugar levels in low birth weight babies who are exclusively on breast milk
(Published in Journal of Dr. NTR University of health sciences)
Murty VY, Ram KD. Study of pattern of blood sugar levels in low birth weight babies who are exclusively on breast milk. J Dr NTR Univ Health Sci 2012;1:90-3
Murty VY, Ram KD. Study of pattern of blood sugar levels in low birth weight babies who are exclusively on breast milk. J Dr NTR Univ Health Sci [serial online] 2012 [cited 2013 Feb 25];1:90-3. Available from:

2. Role of levetiracetam in neonatal seizure

Published in Journal of clinical neonatology
Murty YV, Patel MR. Role of levetiracetam in neonatal seizure. J Clin Neonatol 2012;1:168
Murty YV, Patel MR. Role of levetiracetam in neonatal seizure. J Clin Neonatol [serial online] 2012 [cited 2013 Feb 25];1:168. Available from:

3. Phrenic nerve palsy: A rare cause of respiratory distress in newborn
Published in journal of Pediatric neurosciences.

Yerramilli Murty V, Ram KD. Phrenic nerve palsy: A rare cause of respiratory distress in newborn. J Pediatr Neurosci 2012;7:225-7
Yerramilli Murty V, Ram KD. Phrenic nerve palsy: A rare cause of respiratory distress in newborn. J Pediatr Neurosci [serial online] 2012 [cited 2013 Feb 25];7:225-7. Available from:

4. Prazosin, Scorpion Sting and Dr. Bawaskar

Published in Journal of Family medicine and health care
Murty YS. Prazosin, Scorpion Sting and Dr. Bawaskar. J Fam Med Primary Care 2012;1:163
Murty YS. Prazosin, Scorpion Sting and Dr. Bawaskar. J Fam Med Primary Care [serial online] 2012 [cited 2013 Feb 25];1:163. Available from:

5. Childhood psychiatric illnesses need attention
Dr Y V Sankara Murty, Srinivas SRR Yerramilli

Published in AP journal of psychiatric medicine
YV Sankara Murty, Srinivasa SRR Yerramilli. Childhood psychiatric illnesses need attention. AP J Psychol Med 2012; 13(1):52-3.

6.A case of hypothyroidism with excessive aberrant mongolian spots

Published in Thyroid research and practice.
Murty VY, Patel MR, Kishore V, Ram K D. A case of hypothyroidism with excessive aberrant mongolian spots. Thyroid Res Pract 2013;10:108-10
Murty VY, Patel MR, Kishore V, Ram K D. A case of hypothyroidism with excessive aberrant mongolian spots. Thyroid Res Pract [serial online] 2013 [cited 2013 Oct 10];10:108-10. Available from:

7.A rare case of pyridoxine-dependent seizures in infancy

V.S.S. Yerramilli Murty, M.S.S. Kishore, Manisha R Patel
Murty VY, Kishore M, Patel MR. A rare case of pyridoxine-dependent seizures in infancy. J Clin Neonatol 2013;2:39-41
Murty VY, Kishore M, Patel MR. A rare case of pyridoxine-dependent seizures in infancy. J Clin Neonatol [serial online] 2013 [cited 2014 Jul 14];2:39-41. Available from:

8. Achondroplasia a rare case

Yerramilli VS, Pikala TR, Ram KD, Sindura K. Achondroplasia: A rare case. J NTR Univ Health Sci 2014;3:218-9
Yerramilli VS, Pikala TR, Ram KD, Sindura K. Achondroplasia: A rare case. J NTR Univ Health Sci [serial online] 2014 [cited 2014 Sep 29];3:218-9. Available from:

9. Psychiatric education in India: need for reforms

Srinivasa SRR Yerramilli, Y V Siva Sanakara Murty. Psychiatric education in India: need for reforms. AP J Psychol Med 2012; 13(1):17-22.

10. Leaarning style preferences of first-year undergraduate medical students studying physiology
Gandhi Bhaskar Pathrudu, Siva Sankara Murty YV
International Journal of Health Reasearch in Modern Integrated Medical Sciences.

11. Approach to Respiratory distress in the newborn.
Sai Sunil Kishore M, Siva Sankara Murty YV, Tarakeswara Rao P, Madhusudhan K, Pundareekaksha V, Pathrudu GB

International Journal of Health Reasearch in Modern Integrated Medical Sciences

12. Camphor poisoning in children: The uncautioned danger
P Tarakeswara Rao, V S S Yerramilli Murty
Rao P T, Murty VY. Camphor poisoning in children: The uncautioned danger. CHRISMED J Health Res 2015;2:175
Rao P T, Murty VY. Camphor poisoning in children: The uncautioned danger. CHRISMED J Health Res [serial online] 2015 [cited 2015 Mar 30];2:175. Available from:
Chrismed journal of health and research.

13. A rare cause of wheezing infant: Bronchogenic cyst
Published in journal of Mahatma Gandhi institute of medical sciences

Vegesna Sunita1, YVSS Murty2, M Srinivasa Rao2, K Sindhura2
Sunita V, Murty Y, Rao M S, Sindhura K. A rare cause of wheezing infant: Bronchogenic cyst. J Mahatma Gandhi Inst Med Sci 2015;20:186-8

14. Wilsons disease a rare presentation : Resistant rickets

Published in indian journal of health sciences
Pikala TR, Yerramilli VS, Karuparti MR, Priyadarshani K L. Wilson's disease with a rare presentation: Resistant rickets. Indian j health sci 2015;8:66-7
Pikala TR, Yerramilli VS, Karuparti MR, Priyadarshani K L. Wilson's disease with a rare presentation: Resistant rickets. Indian j health sci [serial online] 2015 [cited 2015 Sep 29];8:66-7. Available from:

15. Prevalence of Urinary Tract Infection in Febrile children
Sunita V1
, Siva Sankara Murty YV, Sai Sunil Kishore M, Tarakeswara Rao P, Madhusudhan Rao K, Pundarikaksha V

Published in International journal of health research in modern integrated medical sciences.
ISSN 2394-8612 (P), ISSN 2394-8620 (O), Vol-2, Issue-2, Apr-Jun 2015

16.Piracetam in the management of Breath holding spells
Tarakeswara Rao P1
, Siva Sankara Murty YV, Sai Sunil Kishore M, Manisha RP, Madhusudhan Rao K,
Pundarikaksha V

ISSN 2394-8612 (P), ISSN 2394-8620 (O), Vol-2, Issue-2, Apr-Jun 2015
Several publications in process in various stages of editorial and peer review  

Reviews for Dr. Y V Siva Sankara Murty (60)

Very Good
Written by : SushantchandelMon, 14 Apr 2014
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