Have Bumps On Penis, Itchy Rashes On Thigh, Chest And Arms. How To Remove This?
Thanks for your query.
Were the rashes diagnosed by a doctor as allergic ?
Did you find out the allergen responsible for the rash you have ?
Superficial skin infections with fungus or bacteria can also lead to conditions which mimic allergic rashes.I would like to know some more details to rule out the fact that lesions could be due to infection.
Are there any scaly patches in the areas where it itches ?
Is there any discoloration in the affected areas ?
Have you applied any ointments or creams over the affected parts ? if yes, please do mention the name.
Are the rashes spreading from one area to the other ?
Waiting for your response,
Meanwhile do continue Benadryl to reduce the itching and gain some relief.I shall after obtaining the information from you, analyse the condition and provide better relief.