Have Carcinoid Syndrome, Autoimmune Inflammatory Arthritis And MS. Suggested Fentanyl, It Caused Exacerbation To Carcinoid
They want to use Fentanyl for pain control but in the past It caused an exacerbation of my carcinoid symptoms
was this a real reaction can this happen
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Well there is no known contraindication with the use of fentanyl with person suffering from Carcinoid syndrome but it is possible that you might have a side effect of fentanyl which superposed on the carcinoid syndrome and made you have the impression that the fentanyl exacerbated (which actually speaking exacerbated). For example, if one of your symptoms of carcinoid syndrome was abdominal pain, the side effects of fentanyl is abdominal pain, anorexia, anxiety, apnea, depression, diarrhea, asthenia, constipation etc.
So you can see clearly here that fentanyl's side effects can exacerbate carcinoid syndrome. So saying, it will be best to avoid taking that medication.
There are other alternatives to relief your pain. Just discuss this with your doctor for alternative options.
Hope this helps and wish you the best.
Dr. Nsah