Have Chronic Sinusitis, Viral Head Cold, Fever. Taking Paracetamol, Amoxicillin. East Way To Get Cure?
How long before I feel and better and is there anything else I can do to help?
Thank you for your query.
1. These are symptoms of an Acute Sinusitis.
2. Amoxicillin + Clavulanic Acid is a very good broad spectrum antibiotic for treating Acute Sinusitis. Since there is fever, you must take a course of antibiotics. Even in viral fevers, antibiotics prevent secondary bacterial infection.
3. Along with these medications, request your doctor to prescribe supportive medication such as anti-allergic medication, decongestants and mucolytics. Regular steam inhalation will also help.
4. Keep yourself well hydrated and take rest.
5. Most antibiotics take 48 hours to show results. If your fever and pain persist beyond this, get a re-examination and a swab sent for culture and sensitivity.
6. If you can share the images of a plain CT PNS (Para Nasal Sinuses), I will be able to give you an accurate assessment.
7. A couple of important points that I would like to mention is 'biofilm' formation in Chronic Sinusitis which leads to resistant organisms and Balloon Sinuplasty which is a new procedure to improve ventilation of the nasal sinuses.
8. I must congratulate you on the successful treatment of the Ca Breast.
I hope that I have answered your queries. If you have any further questions, I will be available to answer them.