Have Coeliac Disease And GERD. Feeling Dizziness, Heartburn And Sinus Pressure. Any Treatment?
I understand that you are aware of the fact you have
Celiac Disese. As you already know, there is no cure
for this. But you can control your sypmtoms and stay
in remission as long as you live with controlling your
gluten free diet. There is no specific drug treatment
other than following a strict gluten free diet.
There are excellent diet programs you can get on line
if you check with Celiac Foundation.
I don't believe that your going off the gluten free diet
had anything to do with your sinus problem. GERD is
a different issue and if you have chronic GERD that
could affect your sinuses. You need to be on therapy
for GERD with the use of an over the counter PPI such
as Prilosec-OTC (Omeprazole ) 20 mg. twice a day.
Hope this helps.
Wish you well.