Have Constipation And Irregular Bowel Symptoms. Feel Acidic And Burning Sensation. Suggested PAN D Capsules. Suggestions?
Thank you for contacting XXXXXXX
With your question and also for the attached report. Essentially the reports about your liver, kidneys,
gallbladder are all normal. The only thing they mention is the distension in the upper abdominal area due to retained gas.
You mention that you have had problem with constipation and irregular bowel habits. You are honest in mentioning that you do smoke and drink alcohol. Your eating habits are also not very
regular. All the things that you mention can certainly have an effect on the acid production in the stomach. Even though you are avoiding all these now, you may have caused some damage
to the lining of the stomach or even have a small ulcer in the lower part of the stomach and beginning of the small intestine called the duodenum.
I am glad that you are scheduled for an upper GI x-rays soon. This might show if there is any abnormality in the esophagus, stomach or duodenum. Sometimes, small ulcer can be missed on x-ray examination. But if there are questionable findings , then you would need a follow up endoscopy to get a direct look inside your stomach and the doctors might even take a sample tissue from the lining to determine if you have significant inflammation or a bacteria called "Helicobacter Pylori" which is
associated with duodenal ulcer. If you have this, you need treatment with a combination of antibiotics that your doctor would prescribe.
In the mean time, you should try to avoid excess caffeine, tobacco, alcohol, fatty and fried foods. Also avoid very spicy foods and tomato and citrus products. Whole milk and cheeses can also make the acid problem worse.
Try to stay on a bland diet. Rice and wheat are fine, Bananas (Ripe) , Pears, Papaya are O.K. Spinach, green beans also.
PAN-D contains a combination of Pantoprazole & Domperidone. One is for acid control and the other to promote contractions and stomach emptying. If this is helping you , you should continue till
you get further studies done. Domperidone is associated with some significant side effects and is not approved for use here in USA.
If an ulcer is found , usual length of treatment is 6-8 weeks. Hope this information helps you so that you can discuss with your doctor.
I wish you the very best.
Good to hear from you again. If you feel better with PAN-D , you
probably do not need to have endoscopy unless the symptoms
come back. Distension is gas trapped in the stomach or portion
of the large bowel that is under the left rib cage.
The pleural thickening that is mentioned may be the result of
an old infection or inflammation like pneumonia or pleurisy.
That is not related to the stomach problem. If you are having
persistent cough , chest discomfort, trouble breathing , then
you need to see a lung specialist.
I wish you the very best.