Have Diabetes Insipidus And Caused Incontinence. Prescribed Desmopressin Nasal Spray. Having Leakage, Suggest Dosage?
But to categorically answer your question, yes.....pills are a viable form of treatment option.
Regardless, fluid intake and blood sodium levels will need to be monitored carefully and closely during transition from spray to pills to arrive at the steady dose requirement.
I see you mention 'leakage'. I would like to note that diabetes insipidus, if untreated or under-treated (with insufficient desmopressin dose) typically causes large amounts of urine to be passed and often in compensation , affected individuals drink a lot of water, provided their thirst sensation is intact and they have access to water. However, there is no true 'incontinence'
Please kindly check with the pharmacist or manufacturer for storage guidance on individual brands of desmopressin spray