Have Gained Weight. Need A Balanced Diet Chart?
I am concerned about your weight gain and it may be related to depression or insomnia or shift work disorder as might be the case and you might need a psychological assessment to see if you need counseling and medications from a psychiatrist for depression and anxiety. Depression can make you gain or lose weight depending on the situation. There are two ways to lose weight:
1. Eat right - and healthy. Which might mean that you need to consult a nutritionist.
2. Exercise regularly - 4 times a week for 30-40 min per session and it should include both cardio and weights.
Please consult an orthopedic doctor for the spinal slipped disc and it should not be very concerning. I hope you get yourself on the track to recovery and a healthy weight as soon as you can. I hope this helped. Let me know if you have any concerns.
Take care and have a lovely day!