Have Headache, Dizziness, Low Appetite, Body Pain And Hot Flashes. Required Treatment?
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You are a 52 year old male and is having history of SVT and is on Coor -red (?) viavance and cytoplasm. You have headache for three days along with dizziness, poor appetite, eye pains, aches, sweating both hot and cold sweats.
First of all I would like to get your BP checked. If it comes normal then we can proceed further. Hypertension is an important cause of such symptoms. Also get your ECG done to rule out any cardiac problem. If your heart rate is normal then there is no need for ECG.
Now out the medicines you are taking Viavance is a stimulant drug. It causes headache, dizziness, loss of appetite, body aches along with symptoms of anxiety as side effects. Probably viavanse has precipitated anxiety in you which resulted in sweating, aching, poor appetite, dizziness, weakness etc symptoms. If the problem persist I would advise you to please consult your doctor for proper opinion regarding adjustment of dose of drug. For symptomatic control you can take proton pump inhibitors as Omeprazole 20 mg and low dose benzodiazepines like Clonazepam 0.25 mg.
Visit your doctor for proper evaluation once you are stable.
Thanks, If you have more questions you can ask again.
Dr. Seikhoo Bishnoi, MD