Have High BP. Feeling Heaviness On Side Of Chest. TMT Found Negative. Treatment To Be Done?
Thanks for writing to healthcare magic.
I would like to know details of your problem
1. When do you feel heaviness? what is the area of chest where you feel it? is it there all the time? is it there on lying down or resting too? does it comes on exertion only? for how long it lasts? how do it gets over ? does your chest feel hurt on touch or pressing? For how long you were able to walk on Treadmill during TMT (exercise duration) and if you felt any discomfort during treadmill?
2. During that period of heaviness what other things you feel beside increase in BP?
3. Do u find any additional tissue or skin at site of your CABG scar? is it itchy too?
Please revert back with these additional details so that I can throw light on your problem sir.
Waiting for your response
Sukhvinder Singh
2.85\150 BP pulse rate 80
3. no. itrching cut portion
thanks for adv.expect reply
The pain which did not reappear on 12 minutes/ Mets of exercise on TMT is not anginal pain. Moreover the pain which lasts for 2-3 hours would result in a full heart attack which is not your case.
A chest bone irritation which is not uncommon after CABG can sometime exaggerate due to increased breathing on exertion. The pain on pressing also points to a local cause. This could be one explanation for your heaviness.
So overall from your description and TMT results, it seems that the cause is not heart but a local issue. For further clarification, need an examination, for which you can consult your Physician/ cardiologist, who after chest examination, will guide you further.
I hope I cleared your doubts.
Feel free to write, if there is any further query.
Sukhvinder Singh