Have High Fever, Body Pain And Feeling Difficulty To Pee. How To Get Relief?
Usually pain in the urethra indicates urethritis which is inflammation of the urethra. This can be associated with fever.Pain in other areas may occur if the disease/infection spreads to involve other organs in the genital or urinary tract.
Urethritis can be caused by a number of different organisms (those that are associated with urinary tract infections and those that may be associated with sexually transmitted infections).
To diagnose the exact organism involved, your doctor may suggest two tests: a urine sample and a swab of the urethra. This will allow him/her to determine which antibiotic would best treat the infection.
Since the fever and co existing pain may indicate spread of the infection, you may want to consider visiting your doctor as soon as you can manage .
I hope this helps, feel free to ask any other questions