Have Inner Ear Infection. Experiencing Pain Around Back And Shoulder Blade When Laughing Or Coughing. Normal?
I was on Amoxacillin which did not help switched me onto Clarithromycin which made me violently sick, couldn't get anything down me. Temperature caused pins and needle sensation in hands and feet. Now on cefditoren from yesterday night and waiting to see if it helps.
Thanks for posting your query.
It seems that you are suffering from a resistant upper respiratory infection and there are chances of it spreading to the lungs and causing chest pain ( back ache during chest movement ).
Although you are on appropriate antibiotics it's advisable you get some investigations done like blood counts , ESR , X-ray chest and if a culture of any pus or throat swab . This can confirm the virulence of the infection and wether it is responding to the current treatment . In case you have done any investigations please upload the reports.
Also it's advisable to get yourself reevaluated by your doctor or preferably a chest / Ear nose throat specialist ( otolaryngologist ) for confirming the diagnosis and further management .
Apart from this you need to make sure you have a nutritious diet or multivitamin supplements especially zinc supplements ( lozenges )and drink plenty of water for a faster recovery. Warm saline gargles and steam inhalations thrice daily may provide soothing relief.
Hope that answers your query.
Please let me know if you have any further doubts .
Thank you for your response.
Thanks for the follow up.
Please do not worry.As I said before , you are already on antibiotics so the risk of complications is less . If you cannot get investigated now , it's advisable you atleast get reevaluated by your doctor after the completion of the course of antibiotics . Also please do take a good diet or a multivitamin and zinc supplement for faster recovery. Home measures like gargles and steam inhalations help in improving the blood circulation and provide some relief at no additional cost.
Hope I have answered your query.Kindly accept the answer in case you have no further queries.
Wishing you a speedy recovery .