Brief Answer:
eczema or malignant change. Get biopsy done
Detailed Answer:
Thanks for your query.
I understand your concern regarding a mole which is now showing signs of altered sensations.
Firstly, it is good to be aware of certain things. Like in your case, I appreciate that you recognize that such signs can be a signal to something else.
Any long standing mole which either suddenly increases in size or there is an alteration in shape or it develops a sudden change in color or if there are any altered sensations in the form of itching,pain or bleeding, then it is surely a matter of concern. We need to rule out any
malignant transformation in such cases.
I would like to know if you have noticed any change in shape, size or color of the mole in recent times. In such cases, an immediate appointment with a
dermatologist is essential. If your doctor feels like, then a
skin biopsy is also advised.
But at the same time, you should understand that itching is not necessarily a reason to worry.There are other factors as well which can lead to itching in
moles like an eczematous reaction on or around the mole is a common reason for itching. Such reactions are harmless and are treated only with application of
topical steroid creams.
So I would advise you to see a dermatologist soon who can make a proper diagnosis of the condition and guide you.
Hope it helps.
If you have any other query, please let me know.
Dr Geetika Paul.