Have Itchy Anus And Irritable Bowel Syndrome. How To Get Rid Of Them?
Itching in the anus can indeed be a symptom of a pasasitic infestation. You need to take a proper course of de-worming medication to eradicate the parasites. Subsequently, regular deworming also needs to be carried out once in 6 months, to remain problem free. So, please consult a doctor for the deworming treatment. Also, one of the main problems why the parasites don't get cleared completely is due to re-infection. So, regular trimming of your nails and washing your hands with soap or an antiseptic handwash everytime you use the toilet is necessary to prevent re-infection.
If you are having an an 'irritable' bowel, with frequent bowel irregularities, cramps, abdominal discomfort, etc., then then you can consider the folowing advise:
1) Try dietary adjustments such as increasing the fibre content in your diet, avoiding foods that 'stimulate' your intestines like spicy foods, coffee, tea, carbonated drinks, etc.
2) Aviod smoking and alcohol since they can also worsen your symptoms.
2) Try to have a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise and proper sleep habits.
3) Try to avoid stress and try relaxation methods like XXXXXXX breathing, meditation, etc.
4) Sometimes, certain medication like anti-spasmodics may be necessary, if these natural methods don't provide relief.
Wish you all the best.
Dr. Jonas Sundarakumar