Have Itchy Ear And Tiny Flesh Colored Bumps On The Back Of Tongue. What Is The Disease?
I am Dr Ravinder Sharma ENT surgeon. On the basis of the information provided it appears that you have one of the following condition
1. Lingual tonsils - These are lymphoid follicles at the back of the tongue. At times of infection they may present as a lump in throat , foreign body sensation in throat and pain in ear (as the nerve supply of back of tongue and ear share common innervation. This is called as referred otalgia). If it gets infected it may present with difficulty in swallowing, pain in ear and pain in throat.
2. Vallecular cyst - This is a cystic swelling at the back of tongue and presents with foreign body sensation in throat. At times of infection one may have pain in throat too.
3. Peritonsillitis - The picture provided with the query supports this diagnosis as there is redness on the anterior pillar of tonsil. This refers to the infection of the tonsil spreading around the tissue in tonsillar fossa. This may present with pain in throat, pain in ear, difficulty in swallowing and difficulty in opening mouth (in later stages).
I would suggest you to consult a Otolaryngologist so that pharyngoscopy can be done for the diagnosis. This is a treatable condition and you do not need to worry about it. I hope this answers your concern. Feel free to contact me if you have any more concerns about it
with regards
Ravinder Sharma
Thanks for the follow up query
I have suggested the commomer diagnosis on the basis of the history provided.
The history of smoking definately adds to the possibility of cancer as one of the diagnosis. For this reason I would advise you to plan a Otolaryngology consultation and pharyngoscopy and laryngoscopy.
Alcohol also adds to the risk of oral, pharyngeal , laryngeal or oesophageal malignancy.
Alcohol and smoking in addition increases the risk further
I hope this answers your concern. Feel free to contact me if you need more information about it
with regards
Ravinder Sharma