Have Jaundice And Anemic. Feel Tired And Exhausted. Abdominal Ultrasound Showed Enlarged Liver And Spleen. Liver Failure?
"The findings are probably on the basis of fatty infiltration of the liver with focal fatty sparing."
Thanks for the query.
Brief answer....there are various other signs of liver failure besides jaundice.
Detailed answer..
Liver failure is supposed to occur when large parts of liver are damaged and beyond repair and the functioning of liver stops.
There are various causes for liver failure like hepatitis B and C,excessive alcohol consumption,cirrhosis,use of drugs like pain killers or herbal supplements,poisioning etc
Although nausea,vomiting,diarrhoea,fatigue,tiredness and jaundice can be found common in liver failure and other non serious hepatitis cases,but in liver failure there are specific symptoms like bleeding easily,swollen abdomen because of ASCITIS,sleepiness,mental confusion,drowsiness,coma etc.
Just having jaundice and liver and spleen enlargement doesn't mean liver failure.
I hope it helps however you may revert to me for any further query.
Please let me know if you have any specific question.
Best of luck
First of all he has to stop consuming alcohol and ibuprofen.
Tylenol may be taken but only when necessary.
Liver transplant is considered only if their is considerable liver damage which is beyond repair and is in failure.
Your doctor has to assess the condition of your husband's liver by doing various blood tests like liver function tests,tests for bleeding and clotting disorders,CT or MRI of liver for deep assessment and a possible biopsy of liver.
Once the assessment is done,then future guidelines of treatment are set.
In any case,he has to completely go off from alcohol,and to be true,not even a single drop of it.
Please let me know,if there is something else to ask.
Best of luck to you and your husband.
Thank you. This came on so suddenly, we are in shock. When I start to remember I realize he started showing signs of tired and weak and irritable during tax season, so April. The dark urine and started @ 2 weeks ago and the jaundice happeden on Monday Aug 26. Since it probably started several months ago does that indicate it could be too far along?
I can understand the stress and anxiety being faced by you.
The fact is that nothing can be said till your husband gets investigated completely.
Lover biopsy is very important and shall tell about the extent of damage.
It could simply be just alcoholic hepatitis where abstinence of alcohol with plenty of water and fruit juices and proper nutrition and medications shall be able to regenerate the liver completely.
Just remain calm and be hopeful.Everything shall be all right.
Best of luck
Thanks again.
This doesn't mean any cancer.Since your husband is anaemic,it requires investigations to see whether anaemia is iron deficiency or FOLIC acid or VIT B12 deficiency.
It is not necessary that all the tests are done on first day.Many a times,follow up tests are required after getting the initial tests done.
Why does your body stop producing red blood cells?
Thank you.
Now the picture is getting clearer.
Your husband seems to be suffering from hemolytic anemia where there is abnormal destruction of red blood cells ( rbc's ).
This destruction of red cell has numerous causes.
There is increased destruction of Rbc resulting in anemia increased production of bilirubin which leads to jaundice.
The causes of destruction could be due to some defect in RBc itself like thalassemia and some other inherited conditions or some extrinsic factors like auto immune conditions.
Your doctor is suspecting a auto immune pathology to be responsible for the hemolytic anemia and that's why steroids like PREDNISOLONE has been prescribed.
It would be a matter of investigation that which auto immune disease is responsible for the problem.
I have lost a sister (aged 47) to liver cancer and one my dear friends died at 40 with cirrhosis, their life styles we very different from my husband's mind you, but as soon as he went jaundice I was reminded of the past. I was with them both until they passed, not a pleasant experience. Panic set in when my husband colour changed. That is just a little of my background so you don't think I am a crazy person.
This is a long weekend here so very few of his test results have been received and the doctors are not in to communicate their finding, we are on hold until Tues.
My question to you today is - Can the cause of the auto immune disease be pinpointed and is it likely involving the liver?
Thank you for you help, I really appreciate it.
First of all I must say that I liked your inquisitiveness and never took you as a crazy person.I feel very impressed by the fact that you are so concerned for your husband.
Considering the background,it is perfectly logical and understandable for you to be stressed about.
As far as causes of hemolytic anemia are concerned,you would find that in 50% of cases,the cause is not found and is called as idiopathic hemolytic anemia.
In rest of cases, causes like lymphoprolierative disorders like lymphoma and other immune disorders like SLE,rheumatoid arthritis,Ulcerative colitis etc are found.
The treatment would depend upon finding the cause and giving steroids and immunosuppressant drugs.
Best of luck.
My husband has been taking the prednisone and he feels better. He is still pale, he doesn't seen to appear so jaundice. Is prednisone a cure? Will he remain on it indefinitely?
Thanks again.
First of all the cause has to be found and the ultimate treatment would depend upon that.
Even if the cause is idiopathic,steroids are not given for some time and other options like immunosuppressants are tried.
You should ask about the cause for hemolytic anaemia in your husband and what further tests he is planning to carry out and whether there is any need to take consultation from a haematologist.
Normocytic anemia, marked reticulocytosis, absent spherocytosis or schistocytosis. Picture (A) suggests acute blood loss for a cause other than immune or microangiopathic hemolysis.
HB is 68 RBC is 2.11 PB is 112/54
Does this mean his body is not producing RBC or it is destroying its own RBC?
What will they test for now? Will they be able to find the problem or will he be in the 50%, If it is idiopathic, will he get back to normal? Do they treat it?
Thanks again.
This blood loss is due to destruction of blood cells and not because of production problems.
That's why the disease is called as hemolytic anemia.Hemolysis means destruction.
Your reports point towards the possibility of cause as idiopathic only.
As far as other investigations are concerned,your haematologist would be in a better position to tell about it.
Generally the condition in adults can run a chronic course and can flare or reverse itself without any explanation.Most of the people suffering from this condition generally make full recovery.
First line treatment is always steroids.
Sometimes removal of spleen is also done which can reverse the destruction of red blood cells.The third option of treatment is use of immunosuppressant drugs.
in all likelyhood,your husband shoud do well.
I forgot to mention that the "direct coombs test" was negative. I know a positive coombs indications the hemolytic anemia. Does the negative result mean it is not hemolytic anemia. Will they be looking for something else now.
We are seeing the doctor at the Urgent Medicine Clinic tomorrow, should we ask for to see a blood specialtist or perhaps a liver specialist?
Thank you, again
Tiredness and fatigue is due to the anaemia.
Eating well is due to the effect of steroids.
Negative direct coomb's test means that auto immune process is not the cause,which means that it is not autoimmune hemolytic anaemia.
Now other causes for hemolytic anemia have to be found out.
The best would be to consult a Hematologist.
My husbands HB has gone up from 68 to 87
The biliruban is down from 45 to 24
his BP was 100/68
They have reduced the prednisone by 10 mg/week and want to see him when he is taking 20 mg so in 3 weeks
Do you think it would be benificial to go to a hematologist or should we wait the three weeks and have his blood tests redone then?
Thank you for your help.
It is a very good news that your husband is improving clinically as well as internally.
Although one may think of waiting for another 3 weeks but if I were you,I would have gone and consulted a Hematologist because the issue of cause is still unresolved.
Finding an exact cause is very important,as it shall prepare us for future.