Question: I am a 39 year old woman. Had multiple PE in 2005. Cause unknown. In 2011, I had a left
temporal lobe stroke 10 months ago. My speech, written language, comprehension was all damaged, but I have improved greatly. Just after the stroke the doctor found a hole in the heart, it was suggested as being a possible cause for the stroke and it was repaired. The problem is that approximately a month after the stroke, I woke up with foggy vision. I was very scared. I kept rubbing my eyes and splashing water in them, but no good. My GP suggested that I rest and see how I get on. About 10 hours later it improved. Since then, my vision has gotten worse. Lots of floaters and strings, also as if I was looking through a web. I went to an optholomagist and a neuro. Optholomagist said my eyes were not converging so he suggested pencil exercises for 3 months and to come back. He suggested that it was a neuro problem and that the structure of the eyes were perfect. I went to a neuro and sent me off for a few tests. In meantime, I ended up with
vertigo and was hospitalised. MRI was clear. There was no check up on my heart and i was sent away with Serc medication and a possible diagnosis of viral vertigo. I went back to the opthalmologist and he was happy with the convergence of my eye muscles. The problem is that it is 7 months later and I cannot see like I used to. I have light sensitivity, I have
severe dizziness and balance problems, my world is moving like I'm on a boat. I don't know if it is viral vertigo? I do have
nystagmus in my left eye. I've asked the question "why did my eyesight go funny at least a month after the stroke?" No one can answer me. A second MRI after the stroke and the vision problem didn't show anything. However, the stroke did see a bigger loop of the stroke area in the brain, which showed the site being mostly in the left temporal, yet it also hit the frontal and occipital and
parietal lobe. The deficits I have now, are not the deficits I had in the first few weeks of the stroke. Could it be viral vertigo? I have had
migraine before too, neuro suggested migraine with vertigo, but when I get the bad bouts of vertigo, they last two to three weeks. I get burning
headaches in back of my head and my neck and left shoulder hurt. I take Serc for the vertigo but it's not helping. The last bout was coming on with dizzy spells then I decided to fall back on my bed and I had massive spinning. Ive had vertigo for the last two weeks and i had tingking in my left face and my left hand, in particular my little finger and the next beside it. Could that be BPPV instead? No one is helping me. I'm very low. I just need to know what is happening to my eyesight and the vertigo and could it be connected? How can I fix this?