Question: I was diagnosed one year ago with a
meningioma which is involved with my sagital sinus vein. I have a
neurologist and neurosurgeon at the University of Cincinnati/Mayfield Clinic, and have also seen a neurosurgeon at Cleveland Clinic. They all agree to wait and watch. I have a headache 24/7, and started having bad seizures at the end of February. Last seizure was March 5. Neurologist advises no driving until 90 days seizure free. I am taking 1000 mg keppra am and 1000 mg keppra pm, plus
desipramine 25 mg at bedtime for headache (which is also an anti-depressant). My seizures have stopped for now, but I feel somewhat like a zomie in my alertness and thinking. My main complaint are the constant headaches which are increasing in intensity which are interfering with my life. I am starting to "retreat" and lie down more often to try to get pain relief. No over-the-counter medication helps, caffeine helps for a little while but cannot overdo it due to
hypertension (150 mg atenolol per day) and anxiety. I am also experiencing a change in vision. Doctors say no surgery until I get worse - it is too risky due to involvement with sagital sinus vein. When the time comes, I should have
gamma knife radiation. I need to get some headache relief - it is starting to take away my life and cause me to just want to lie around a lot. The slightest activity also tends to increase blood pressure which, of course, increases the pain. There was some slight compression of the sagital sinus vein on last MRIs and MRVs. Any suggestions for pain relief? I know I need to go see my eye doctor - may need a change in prescription due to meningioma? Do I need to go see neurologist again and be more assertive about headaches and pain relief? Not sure what to do with this wait and watch approach as my memory, thought process, comprehension and so many other things seem to slowly decline. Thank you. P.S. Left work (law firm) May, 2012. I receive $1,800/month long-term
disability through my previous employer and pay $2,000/for COBRA continuance of insurance which will end at the end of this year. Do I need to apply for social security disability?