Have Micro Penis With Stretched Penile Length. Not Improved By Medicine. Any Hormonal Remedy?
I understand you and your concerns. This is not very often, but every such patient is usually miserable. This is congenital malformation which is difficult to treat.
It is meant to be caused by low testosterone level during pregnancy.
Penile growth is completed at the end of puberty and testosterone will be helpful only till that, so provision of extra testosterone in adults produces no further growth.
You can measure your hormone levels too see is there any imbalance, and then take those which is missing. It wont be useful for penis size, but hormones are necessary for many other things in body. Even your mental and emotional state depends on it.
Have you ever considered reconstructive surgery, today many plastic surgeons and urologist do that. Usually improvement of 2-3cm can be done so you could have more pleasant intercourse. You need to be confident and tenacious, many people with this have normal life, woman and children...
Wish i ve been helpful and wish you good health...
Thanks for your time