Hi there.I have had symptoms of fatigue , lack of appetite, bloddy/dark stools/ diahorrea, night sweats ( excessive), itching, brusing, headaches, weight loss , bleeding of the gums for about 6 mtns. Yesterday for the first time: cloudy vision ( if that makes sense) and trouble breathing. Also back and chest pains have come on recently. I had a CT scan done on Monday and they detected hepatomegaly with diffuse fatty infusion. In terms of my blood count, my neutrophil count is 1.42 (low), MCV 99.1 fl, AST- NORMAL. Basophil count -0.02 low ,calcium is low. What could this all suggest? It terms of leukemia, does it have to be reflected by extremely normal blood tests? I ve heard that its the symptoms as opposed to the statistics that matter.Is that a myth? My Mum died of stomach cancer at 36, I am 28. Had an endescopy done last week . All clear. Have had helicobacter pylori in the past twice.Awaiting a colonoscopy. I m worried about leukemia.I am changing my GP as she is useless.Says that its nothing and cannot be leukemia and refuses to let me get a bone marrow test to make sure?? Best, Marie