Have Osteoarthritis In Heels. Done Acupuncture. Is This Good? Can You Help Me With Medication For Relief?
Osteoarthritis of heels is unusual without osteoarthritis of knees; rather it may be a plantar fascitis, a similar problem in symptomatology.
The painkillers are difficult to tolerate at your age.
I am sure you can cut down the pain by 75% of its severity without any drugs with a very simple intervention-
Get HEEL PADS, wear them at heels, and wear soft sole shoes.
This would off-load your heels of the pressure generated from body weight and will reduce inflammation, swelling and pain.
The HEEL PADS/ HEEL CUSHIONS of soft rubber orthosis and multiple designs and softness grades are available. Typical good quality stuff would give a feel of jelly like softness and flexibility.
Try it and you will feel a great relief. They are effective in both osteoarthritis and plantar fascitis.
Meanwhile, you can take Ultracet- Paracemol and tramadol to get relief from pain. I am not sure if this is OTC (Over the Counter) drug in your country.
I hope the advice would be helpful for you. Please do write back for follow up queries that you may have.
I do not have experiance with accupuncture, so can not say how much that will be helpful or harmful.
But I would still advise you to give HEEL CUSHIONS a second chance and wear them all the time when you are bearing weight.
And ofcourse, get the best quality cushions as I had described earlier.
Hope you will get relief.