I have red blotchy areas on my thighs that are warm to the touch and dont itch . 3 weeks ago I woke up with it on a saturday morning and it was pretty much gone by monday. I noticed last night that I have it again...same areas..inner and outer thighs..only one area is as bad as 3 weeks ago and hot to the touch. If you push on the area it turns white. I have not changed my diet, detergents, lotions or potions etc. I have no open sores, cuts etc. I have not been out doing any yard work. I am 56 yrs old, divorced white female who apparently has bad arthritis ( my sister and daughter have both been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis-we have auto immune issues in my family) and as of right now both hips need replacing, I have hashimotos thyroiditis and have been on thyroid meds for 18 yrs now. I am having joint pain in my elbow , my knees and the base of my left thumb was swollen the other day. I also have bulging discs in my neck and back and have been on pain management for that and my hips. I have no health insurance or money to see a doctor. I go to the health dept here in my town. I have been having some leaking bladder issues lately. Not bad..just that its damp down there. I have photos of the rash...any ideas what this is..I took benadryl and that didnt help. I put cortisone cream on it and that didnt help.. Any Ideas??