Have Ovarian Cancer. CT Scan Showed Increased Prominence Of Pelvicalyceal System. Is This Serious?
If the DJ stent is in proper position and urine is draining normally through the ureter, then you need not worry about increased prominence of pelvicalcyceal system. You can talk the doctor (radiologist) who reported CT scan, if he/she is sure about urine draining properly; if urine drainage is ok, then there is no need to worry.
Minimal stasis of urine can give rise to prominence of pelvicalyceal system - this is not concerning. However presence of obstruction can lead to hydronephrosis, which is further stage of prominence of pelvicalyceal system. That will need medical attention.
As there is no evidence of hydronephrosis on the scan, you need not worry about this.
Hope this answers your question. Please feel free to ask if there are doubts.