Have Pain And Blockage In Ear, Headache. Temporary Relief From Medicine. Any Permanent Cure?
I have been having blocked ear problem since last 2 months. One of the ENT Dr. prescribed Texzine and Vitaresp for almost 20 days and the problem was happening on and off. Hence I consulted one more ENT who gave me Relent OD. I was all fine with one full course of this medicine(10 days), but after few days I fell sick and again got severe cold/ cough, now my cold and cough has come down. but the blocked ear still persists. When ever I get blocked ear/ pain in the ear, I slowly get a bad head ache as well. Doctor have confirmed that there is no infection in my ears. There was flum which was blocking the tube from ears to nose, which was also getting cleared with the course of medicines. Please advise a permanent remedy for this problem.
Thank you for your query.
There are some questions for you.
1.Is the blockage temporary or is it persisting all throughout?
2.Has the ENT checked your ears with a special instrument(Otoscope) during the examination?
3.Have you been having any hearing problems?.
4.Have they taken an X XXXXXXX of your sinuses?
Whenever one has a bad attack of cough and cold there is inflammation of the throat.The inner end of the ear opens near the throat.Due the inflammation, the inner end gets affected and due to the pressure imbalance you have a blocked ear.
The treatment of this problem is to treat the throat first.
Whenever you have a cold and cough star gurgling with an antiseptic gargle.Use a nasal decongestant and take vapour inhalation.The headache might be due to associated sinusitis.
But if there is a hearing problem you need to have a through investigation of the ear and hearing assessment.
Do not panic.
If you have any further queries, let me know
Hope this answers your query.Wishing you a speedy recovery.
Have a nice day.
Request you to suggest a permanent solution.
Thank you for the follow up.
Use a medicated gargle like betadine gargle. If the problem persists get an X XXXXXXX PNS done.
As the other reports are fine and the problem is temporary, you need not worry . Permanent solution is difficult as these are mainly viral diseases. Take adequate precautions to avoid cold. You can take Tab. Celin (Vitamin C) 500mg twice daily for 2 weeks. That will help in boosting the cellular immunity.
If you have any further queries you are free to consult me. Hope this answers your query.
Wishing you a speedy recovery. Have a nice day.
Celin is Vit C. You can take it.
It has no proven role in preventing cold. However you can still take them.
Celin does not cause drowsiness.