Have Pain In Neck Radiating Into Ear. Done US Of Cartoid Arter. Anything Serious?
Already stated i don't have the results yet.
Nothing to worry about
Detailed Answer:
Hello and welcome to XXXXXXX
I am Dr Sriram Nathan, an ENT consultant with close to a decade experience in the problems of the head and neck.
Let first tell you that although there can be many causes of your neck pain radiating to ear, most of them are benign and temporary.
If the pain is less than three weeks then you have nothing to worry about, take a mild pain killer like paracetamol if the pain is more and do not strain or perform sudden movements of the neck. Your doctor will know about the medication.
You need to be concerned if the pain is more than three weeks.
If there are other problems like difficulty in swallowing or voice change or hearing loss then you may need to take an upper GI endoscopy and get back to me or any ENT with the reports.
You also need to remember if you did some heavy exercise or work, did you fall down or injure yourself anywhere in the recent times or did you take any strong medications. Also do you drive for long periods and if you have neck pain.
Meanwhile avoid sudden movements, avoid oily spicy food and do not meddle your ears.
Hope you feel better and I would be happy to answer any more doubts
Take care
Dr Sriram Nathan