Have Pain Under Rib Cage Radiating To Neck With Deep Breath. Have Loss Of Appetite, Bloating And Indigestion
I think you need to be investigated.
Detailed Answer:
Hi, Thanks for using XXXXXXX
I do see plenty of patients with similar symptoms at my clinic and if someone comes to my clinic with such complaints I will first rule out following in the order of priority with examination and investigations.
1. Pleural rub: since pain in left side just under rib cage and spreads to neck only when you take deep breath. This requires auscultation (examination) and chest x XXXXXXX to confirm.
2. Gastric problem: Since the pain is associated with loss of appetite, bloating and indigestion. I suggest proton pump inhibitors like pantoprazole with anti emetic like domperidone to take care of it.
3. Cardiac involvement. Keeping your age in mind, with pain in left side of chest and referring to neck and shoulder, we need to evaluate for any cardiac involvement. This requires an ECG and echocardiograph.
In brief, I would recommend you to visit your local doctor at the earliest. He/she can perform ECG and echocardiogram and prescribe you the aformentioned drugs. If symptoms do not improve and if ECG findings are normal, he can order further tests such as Chest Xray and refer you to chest physician for further treatment.
In the interim take plenty of fluids, nutritious diet.
Hope this answered your question. Feel free to ask me if you have any further queries. Wish you good health.
Take care.