Have Recurring Sores On Scalp And Back And Having Fever. Diabetic. Diagnosed With Staph,impetigo, And Acne. Sweets Syndrome? Suggest
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You have not mentioned about the status of your blood sugar control because, recurring sores in scalp, back and canker sores of mouth in Diabetics may indicate uncontrolled Diabetes. Most probably it may be due to fungal infection. Fungal infection commonly occur in areas of maximum sweat like scalp and back.
In diabetics with uncontrolled blood sugar, the immune system will be suppressed resulting in oppurtunistic fungal infections like coccidiodomycosis which presents with repeated fever, rashes and pustules. One of the common reasons of mouth ulcers is uncontrolled diabetes.
Your infection is not responding to antibiotics probably because the cause of infection is fungus and not bacteria. The minimal response to antibiotics indicate that there is super added bacterial infection over the underlying fungal infection.
Although anti fungal drugs like Itraconazole will be effective in controlling the infection, it is imperative that your blood sugar is maintained within normal range, otherwise the chances of recurrence are higher. You should check your glycemic status (fasting, post prandial blood sugar and HbA1C) which will give an idea about your diabetes control. Please visit your treating Dr. for confirmation of diagnosis and for further management.
I hope this helps. Please address to me if you have any further concerns.