Have Renal Cortical Cyst In Kidney And UTI. Surgery Or Medication?
There is a report of mild increase in bilateral cortical echogensity in both kidneys.
She is 53 years old and having burning sensation while urinating and having fever and chills also. she is on medication from last 10 days, but pain in lower back and side doesn't go away. this cyst is very painful while walking. She is a BP patient and regulary takes medicine for BP
Should she go for surgery or depend on medication ? Is surgery safe (operting on kidney) or this can be treated by medication only ? she is suffering from pain and can't walk very long ( if required).
Lastly , if you can advise an approx cost of Surgery and type of surgery available in general.
Your general thoughts please.
The problem that you have outlined is not an unusual one. Cysts in the kidneys are quite common after the age of 50, and contain clear water-like fluid. Many people having cysts however have no problem due to them. The cysts can grow to large sizes, and yet most people remain comfortable.
Only when the cysts develop infection is active intervention required. The question here is whether the cyst is infected (in which case the fluid from the cyst needs to be aspirated) or is the cyst an innocent bystander, and your mother has reason I specifically mentioned this because an infected cyst can cause the patient to have fever and pain, but burning urination is unusual, but not improbable.
The BP medication can be taken on a regular basis. I hope she is not a diabetic.
The fluid from the cyst can be removed under the cover of antibiotics and sent for examination like culture and sensitivity. The procedure usually is simple, and is done under ultrasound scan guidance, and does not per se need hospitalization. Therefore it should not be too expensive, and any stay will be for purposes of administration of IV antibiotics depending on treating physician or urologist. the cost will obviously vary from city to city, and hospital to hospital.
Hope this answers your queries.