Have Shared Same Spoon With Friends While Eating. Chances Of HIV?
I am 29 years old, I ate with the same spoon which my friend has eaten and we used the same spoon to distribute the curries and everything at that time i didn't take much care about that spoon at that time but later on i got a doubt in mind that do i get any hiv because i don't know status of hiv of my friend. Please advise me. I am worried a lot
Negligible or almost Zero chances of infection
Detailed Answer:
Welcome to Healthcare Magic,
The main route of HIV tranmission is through sexual contact or blood products.
But in your case its almost impossible to transmit the HIV virus through spoon.
Even though if your friend is HIV positive, virus cannot survive in saliva fluid because saliva contains anti-viral substances and makes the virus inactive or else if the virus escapes from saliva it will get killed in stomach due to gastric acid (Hcl), so the chances are negligible.
But if there is direct mouth to mouth contact like (lip-kissing) and presence of any oral ulcers or bleeding gums problem,the virus comes out from the ulcers or bleeding gums and can cause infection. Which is rare to have oral ulcers or bleeding gums in both the infected person and normal person.
So in this issue all i can say is its not possible at all to get infected and you shouldn't have to worry much.
If you need any further clarifications,
let me know