Have Shortness Of Breath. Have Heiates Herta. Took Lasix. No BP, No Fever. Suggest
Thank you for your query.
First, it should be determined is this shortness of breath caused by some heart or lung disorders or this is stomach issue. If this is heart/lung diosrders( lung edema, right heart insuficiency, atherosclerotic disease) you would have some other symptoms such as fatigue, heart palpitation, cyanosis/paleness, legs swelling and coughing up pinky sputum and it would be related to physical activity not to food intake.
So, I think this is caused by hiatal hernia which usually goes with shortness of breath and inability to breath deep enough. This is aggravated by meal and sitting because stomach becomes bloated and presses diaphragm and intraabdominal pressure is raised. In this case lasix or similar drugs wont be helpful.
Other symptoms experienced in such conditions are pain and tightness in upper stomach, bloating, heartburn, feeling of lump and sore in throat, gurgling sound in throat, fatigue and loss of appetite.
As I said symptoms are aggravated after certain meal, long sitting, stress and anxiety.
In the beginning this is treated by changing dietary habits. You should eat more frequently(5-6 x per day) but smaller meals.
You should avoid alcohol, coffee, smoking, fats and fast food, carbonated drinks and eat more milk and milk products, fruit and vegetables, boiled food and natural beverages and teas. 1-2 hour after meal you should not sit or lay. Also lay with elevated upper body. If you are overweight you should lose some weight.
You can ask your doctor for some antacid and anti-gas medicines to relax your stomach. Xray is enough just to rule out lung edema or some huge hernia. I suggest to do endoscopy and barium swallow test for further evaluation. Hernia can be surgically managed if this is the cause of your symptoms.
Hope I have answered your query. If you have any questions I ll be glad to help. Wish you good health.
Do you have asthma or chronic bronchitis which for Discus was prescribed or?
If you feel relief after inhalation then these seems to be some chronic pulmonary disease.
Yes, fluticasone is corticosteroid drug and it has effect on cardiovascular system including pulse rate elevation, arrhythmias and heart palpiation,but this one you are using is the smallest dose and I dont think it can cause anything to be worried about but dont use it more than 2x a day.
This pulse rate isnt problematic if there is no associated high blood pressure, pain in chest and arms or dizziness. Lasix can raise PR too if overused because it can cause hypotension and reactive tachycadia.
It is important that you know how to recognize stomach and heart pain: stomach pain comes usually after meal, it is burning sensation in esophagus and stomach area, aggravated by sitting and cetain food, coffee, alcohol and there is bitter taste in mouth. Hearts problems signs are sharp pain in middle chest which is radiating to left shoulder and arm associated with dizziness and bretahing difficulties and in this case you need urgent medical care.
Pulse rate depends on many factors such as emotional stress, anxiety, whether, physical activity, fever and body infections, smoking, some food and beverages,hyperthyroidism etc. It is most common just temporary,but if your pulse rate persists you need cardiologic exam,check hormonal levels and certain medicines should be prescirbed.