Have Sore Throat. Can HIV Be Infected By Kissing Someone Or Infected Blood In Mouth?
Thanks for your querry to XXXXXXX
There is very negligible chance of HIV transmission by kissing, unless it is a deep kiss. HIV can only be passed in this manner through direct blood-to-blood contact and not by exchanging saliva.
The lining of the mouth is very protective. If you don't have a cut, open sore or inflammation in mouth, it is highly unlikely that you will get infected. If you have a throat inflammation (i.e. sore throat) as complained by you, chances of entry of virus to blood stream will occur only if you have swallowed it. Even then, it requires a fairly significant quantity of fresh blood coming in direct contact with the area of active inflammation.
However, the risk would still be low compared to other sexual activities.
Hope, you got your answer.
I am glad. You have returned with new information.
Yes, you are right. Viral load is directly proportional to infectivity.
Swallowing is the procedure which will make the infected blood inside your mouth (Transferred from your partner through deep kiss) come in contact with the inflamed area of your throat, if you also have a sore throat.
My sincere advice will be not to do any risky activity in which there is chances of transfer of body fluids without sufficient precautions and protections.
Hope things are now clear.
All the best.
Thanm you.
I never mind replying to queries.
I can give better consultation if you explain the term frottage.
It is definitely a safer practice than vaginal or anal or oral sex.
HIV is a very fragile virus. It dies very quickly outside the host, when dried.
It depends on whether there occurred an exchange of body fluids or not?
If not, you may not acquire HIV.
I hope things are clear now.
If you have no more questions, you may close the discussion and rate it.
All the very best.
I tend to think that my risk is very low (almost none) since it was only one time and there were not addecuate conditions for transmission to occur, but I'd rather ask a second opinion like yours, please.
(Outside of the question: My partner showed me his latest results today and his viral load is still undetectable. It's always hard to know if sexual fluids may contain a low viral load as it was detected in blood, most doctor say "Yes, it might", others say "not neccesarilly because ART don't seem to act efficiently in other fluids than blood".)
After the your reply I will close the query and rate.
Yes, exactly.
Undetectable viral load may not always indicate undetectable load in other body fluids in patients on ART, however a proportionate decrease is observed.
Addition of drugs like Maraviroc and Raltegravir to the standard 3 drug regimen has been shown to decrease semen viral load more rapidly.