Have Swelling In Ankle. Test Showed Slightly High SGPT, SGOT And High Cholesterol. Any Suggestion?
wbc 0000, heamoglobin 16, neutrophil 50%, lymphiocyte 50%
serum cholestrol 260, creatinine 1.3, prothrombine time 1.3
protein 8gm, globulin 3.2, a/g ration 1.5
Your reports suggest slightly high SGPT and SGOT along with high total cholesterol.
Rest of the reports are normal.
High liver enzymes mean that liver is not functioning normally.
It means some liver disorder is there,even if no no symptoms have presented themselves.
The most common causes for high liver enzymes are
High triglycerides
Regular intake of alcohol
Use of herbal medicines
Use of pain killers,antibiotics,anti lipids,anti seizure medicines.
There are other causes for high enzymes like hepatitis,autoimmune diseases of liver,tumors etc.
Get your complete lipid profile done to see for triglycerides value and get tested for sugar.
If all the common causes for high enzymes are ruled out then you may consult a Gastroenterologist for finding the cause.
You must take some anti lipid medicine from your doctor after getting complete lipid profile done.
I hope to have answered your query however you may revert to me for any further query.
Best of luck
The symptoms of liver cirrhosis will depend on how much damage has occurred to the liver.
In the early stages there may be no symptoms at all and the disease may be discovered as a result of an investigation for another illness.
As the disease progresses, tiredness, weakness, lack of energy, loss of appetite, nausea and weight loss may develop.
If a clinical examination creates a suspicion of cirrhosis of the liver, the diagnosis may be supported by the analysis of blood samples. Although it may be confirmed by an ultrasound examination, it may be necessary to perform a liver biopsy to obtain tissue samples from the liver. This may also give information on the underlying cause of the cirrhosis.
I am sorry that i forgot to address your query regarding swelling in the ankles.I sincerely apologize for that.
Swollen ankles may or may not occur on both the legs. Elderly people mostly get it after standing for a long time or when traveling by flight or vehicle for long hours. Usually, this is normal and harmless and is caused as the blood get accumulated in the feet under the effect of gravity. It subsides as soon as they move on their feet. However, recurrent swelling of the ankles should not be ignored as it could be a symptom of a more serious issue.
There are many causes of ankle swelling in elderly like
Edema: This is a condition of bad circulation in the body which leads to accumulation of fluid under the skin. With the increase in age, the veins stop functioning normally. As a result, fluids get trapped into the intracellular spaces. Sometimes, fluid accumulation in the legs is considered as an early sign of kidney failure, heart failure or liver failure
Vascular Obstruction: This results from obstruction in the normal flow of blood mostly due to formation of blood clots. As a result, the ankle swells up and the swelling may even spread to the feet and up the leg as well. The effects of vascular obstruction can be found only in one leg and not both.
Ankle Injury:
Elderly people should not sit or stand in one place for a long time. They should take a brief walk as often as possible. While sitting or lying down, they should always try to keep their legs at an elevated position. When they sleep, they should put one or two pillows below their feet to position them above the level of the heart. Support stockings are available in medical stores which give a lot of relief to swollen feet and ankles. Fluid retention in the body can be checked to some extent by restricting the intake of sodium. In certain cases, massaging of the ankles with long upward strokes has proved to be highly beneficial. Hot and cold compression of the ankles in alternate manner are effective to reduce the pain and swelling of ankle joint. Mild leg stretching exercises improve the strength and flexibility of the arthritis affected ankle joint and thus the inflammation is brought down. Those who are overweight should lose some weight to minimize the pressure from the ankles.
When there is a mild swelling in the ankles in elderly, then these measures taken at home can help to bring down the inflammation. However, if it persists for a long time and the home treatments fail to show desired results, then doctor should be consulted who will diagnose the underlying cause and treat the patient accordingly.
Rise of SGOT and SGPT will result in ankle swelling only if there is associated features of liver failure and these are absent in your father.So the cause for ankle swelling is different in your father.