Have Unwanted Hairs On Face. Suggest Some Home Remedies
When you are just 25 years old and having unwanted excess hair on your face, you need to rule out any hormonal reason for that first. Because any remedy will not work on them if some hormonal pathology is playing role in their growth.
Please make sure you rule out Polycystic ovarian disease or thyroid abonormality by testing TSH, FT4, FSH/ LH/ testosterone and by ultrasound pelvis. If the unwanted hair is really too much then you also need to do AM Cortisol test.
If you do not have irregular menstrual cycles and you are not overweight and you have already done all these tests and you have already ruled out any role of hormonal disturbances then home waxing of face, threading or even facial shaving with ladies' shaving kit are safe options for hair removal. Shaving does not increase thickness of your hair. It's a myth that shaving is bad for unwanted female hair.
I have no clue of any herbal medicine.
I hope you got your answer. For any further related query do get back to me. Take care.