Having A High Risk For HPV. Does Marijuana Smoking Increases The Chance Of Throat Cancer?
Thanks for posting your query.
Your query is related to association of marijuana use and throat cancer in the back ground of high risk human papilloma virus (HPV). Hence I shall work on giving some recommendations pertaining to your query.
High risk HPV and marijuana smoking have no direct relation. But marijuana can affect mouth, throat or lung; some studies have found a very slight increase in risk for cancer in general, including lung cancer, head and neck cancers, and cancer in the offspring of marijuana users. Other studies, however, have showed no such risk. Hence there is no hard proof evidence yet against marijuana and that it is associated with throat cancer. However it is advisable not to smoke marijuana because of its side effects.
Smoking marijuana may cause memory loss, distorted perception, loss of motor skills, decrease in muscle strength and anxiety. According to American pregnancy association, smoking marijuana in a pregnant female can increase the chance of miscarriage, low birth-weight, premature births, developmental delays, and behavioral and learning problems in children. Thus marijuana should not be smoked by females.
Hope this answers your query. If you have additional questions or follow up queries then please do not hesitate in writing to us. I will be happy to answer your queries.
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Wish you good health.