Having Bloated Stomach, Pins And Needles On Head, Constipation, Fissure. Am Overweight. Reason?
I am 26 yrs old
I have been sufferring for this since three to four weeks
Twice in 24 hrs i suddenly feel like bloating in stomach den pins n needles like feeling at the back of head sometimes pain in shoulder and neck conculding to numbness in throat hands legs stomach chest n makes me feel very restless n at times difficulty in breathing
I was admitted in a hospital an was discharged in four days wherein the doctor told me that i am having panic attacks
I dont think much while going to sleep and this occurs to me every night when i go to sleep
Since XXXXXXX 2013 I never had such a feeling and used to sleep well and eat well and was leading a good and happy life.
I have constipation docs say it as fissure but i feel it is external piles
Tissues have come out though its dosent pains or bleeds but its for ur information..
i have stopped alchol and meat completely since december,2012
And have reduced even smoking to five to six sticks a day
Where in i use to have 15 to 20 per day
I am overweight by 30 kgs
I am really wanting to get out of this uncomfortable feeling that occurs every night and once on an unusal day
Please help me
I am from india, mumbai
Welcome to XXXXXXX forum.
Let me know the associated symptoms along with mentioned.
Do you have acidic belching/ abdominal discomfort/ excessive flatulence/ gargling sound in abdomen?
Do you have pain in neck and throat?
Do you have some sort of stress?
With the available described symptoms, there appears to be possibility of thyroid disorder i.e hypothyroidism.
There appears to be some component of anxiety also.
Presence of abdominal bloating, overweight and constipation suggests the diagnosis of hypothyroidism.
Presence of weird feeling with vague symptoms suggest the presence of anxiety.
You should consult with XXXXXXX medicine specialist and should go for thorough check up.
As you were previously admitted, you have already undergone a group of investigations.
You should go for thyroid profile, if not gone previously.
You should make each & every effort to get rid of smoking habit.
You should reduce your weight to keep your BMI (basal metabolic index in controlled range).
You should consult with psychiatrist if your relevant investigations are found to be normal.
You should take tricyclic antidepressants and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors along with anxiolytics for getting relief.]
Hope that helps.
Let me know if I can address any more concerns.
Take care,
Dr. Mayank Bhargava
Yes i never had a proper diet and always has been sufferring from acidity proble
And since digestion was not well i have used tablets like digene and syrups pf cremaffin
Do you have pain in neck and throat?
Neck pain yes some times i do have i guess its coz of using cell phone for a long time ( i am using it a lot as msgn n emails and calls and social networking i have to do a lot- work related)
Do you have some sort of stress?
Sir stress is there lots of responsibilities of home
I have been carrying on with such responsibilities since i was in 4th grade of school
But nothing of it made me worried so much
Infact all my work n all am getting well settled
Work pressure n family pressure is there and i hardly am able to take vacations n all last i took a vacation was in XXXXXXX 2012 i see to it that a weeks vacation i take every year
Sir once a doctor advised me for operation of piles i dont know if all what is happening to me is related to this or not
But now i do have proper motions and no pain or bleeding
I also have started my work out i walk/ run for 40 mins at night and twice go to swimming in a week sundays i take rest
I dont think much of anything while sleeping but the time i go to sleep lots of things just jumble up in my mind making me restless and den all that kinda of feeling starts
I have come to seem my doc who treated me while i was hospitalised
I am surely going to show our email conversations to him
Any specific things u feel i should say to my doctor here??
I pray i get well soon like i was before.
You are living a very active and healthy life.
You should also go for endoscopy and taking Digene is not a good habit.
It is just like putting water on fire.
You can use headphone while using your cell phone and you should also go for x XXXXXXX cervical spine.
Piles could be a manifestation of hypothyroidism but all your symptoms could not be due to piles.
As your symptoms are more at night times while going to sleep, there appears to be chance of generalized anxiety disorder.
Panic attacks are little bit different.
If a person is getting life threatening symptoms with sudden onset stress and improve after a few minutes then it should be labelled as Panic attack.
You are not getting panic attacks.
Best regards,
Dr. Mayank Bhargava
I had got the cervical x XXXXXXX done wen i was hospitalised
And it was normal
I showed our conversations to my doctor here and he said that the things happenning to me is due to stress
Have given me some medicines and havw told me to use less of cell phone and also continue to workout and do meditation
He has asked me to do a blood test of vitamin D and vitamin B12
Your treating doctor is also right and go for meditation.
You can go for vitamin D & B12 but your symptoms are not in favor of deficiency of these vitamin.
Take care,
Dr. Mayank Bhargava